Saturday, January 28, 2012

Superboy and the Lion

I'd like to make this post specifically as a way to record this wonderful day. The Animation Club and I hosted a professional's panel at my school. It went well especially since it was centered on TV with people from Warner Brothers and Titmouse, specifically Mike Macasero, Lauren Montgomery, Mel Zwyer, Phil Bourassa, Jay Oliva, and Jeremy Polgar respectively.
It was great, fun, and as always, very insightful. I learned a lot and simply got more pumped as a result to continue pushing myself in animation.

Here's a thank you card I got to make for Phil Bourassa who designed this, and the rest of the characters from the show, Young Justice.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sketchy Stef

Here are some sketches of me I did over the Christmas break. Didn't really bother to use any reference outside of what I already know about myself and my looks and how I felt when I woke up around noon every morning -

I've always had a hard time trying to find a satisfying way to draw myself quickly. I'm not sure if this is a common issue for those who have characters for themselves but I'm not sure if I'm missing the design and not really understanding my face shape and such, or if I'm simply not trusting myself to stick with a final design. Oh well. Which one most resembles me? (I hear it's either the top left or the top right one)